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Important Information – Practice Merge

for patients of The College Road Practice, Albion Medical Practice, Barming Surgery & Allington Surgery.

This letter provides important information for patients relating to changes that may cause short term disruption to normal services from 12 noon on Friday 16th September to Wednesday 21st September.

Practice Merger

We are able to confirm that the long awaited IT Merger of Albion Place Medical Practice into The College Practice will commence on Friday 16th September and is due to complete post Bank Holiday on the afternoon of Tuesday 20th September.

The NEW College Practice Locations

  • Main Site/Surgery The College Practice, College Road, Maidstone
  • Branch Surgery – Albion Medical Practice, Maidstone
  • Branch Surgery – Barming Surgery, Marigold Way, Maidstone
  • Branch Surgery – Allington Surgery, Tichbourne Close, Maidstone

Monday 19th September – Bank Holiday

Following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the activation of arrangements relating to her lying in state and subsequent funeral. The government has confirmed that Monday 19th September will be a Bank Holiday. NHS England has confirmed that GP surgeries in England will be closed and will re-open at 08:00 on Tuesday 20th September 2022. If you require medical assistance please call 111. If it is an emergency, please call 999.

Repeat Prescriptions

If you have repeat prescriptions for medication you should continue to order your prescriptions in the same way. Those Prescriptions requested after 12 noon on Friday 16th will be processed post Bank Holiday and will be available from 12 noon on Wednesday 21st September.

**Emergency prescription requests**

Requests for repeat medication which you have run out of and need, to prevent you becoming severely unwell can be made by contacting your usual pharmacy who can supply up to a weeks’ worth of medication to cover the emergency. The emergency supply will normally then be deducted from the next prescription. A maximum of 7 DAYS EMERGENCY SUPPLY OF MEDICATION can be requested.

IT patients NHS system Merge

Further to the recent contract merge in July 2022 – Albion Place Medical Practice will undertake a merge of IT systems with The College Practice this coming weekend (16th – 20th September). By undertaking this change and IT merge, our practices will be able to offer a more comprehensive range of services to patients and a wider access offer.

This change will result in disruption where the practice systems will begin to prepare for the clinical list merger from Friday 16th September and the patient record transfer is expected to be completed by Wednesday 21st September around midday.

Every effort is being made to keep disruption to a minimum.

The practice would kindly request that non-urgent queries are not directed to the practice until Wednesday 21st September 2022 until around Midday.

Patients don’t need to do anything at this time, but please do make sure you order your medications in plenty of time so that you don’t run out over this period. The practice will only have limited access during this period

Online service user access

Online service access & Apps will be switched off until Wednesday 21st September If you try to use your normal Apps i.e. NHS Apps, MyGP etc. during this time, they will not work and will give an error code. Please do not contact your practice about this error, as the patient transfer will be in progress.


The online eConsult service will not be available until Wednesday 21st September.


Email access is only to be used for urgent queries / non urgent emails will not be responded to.

Telephone Number

Please note that from 08:00 Tuesday 20th September all telephone enquiries should be directed to the dedicated main line on 01622 752345.

Thank you for your support