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Complaints Procedure

We make every effort to give the best service possible to everyone who attends our Practice.

However, we are aware that things can go wrong, resulting in a patient feeling that they have a genuine cause for complaint. If this is so, we would like the matter to be settled as quickly, and as amicably, as possible.

Interpreting Service

We can arrange for a meeting with the Practice Manager and an Interpreter for any patient whose first language is not English and needs help with their complaint.

Talk to us

Every patient has the right to make a complaint about the treatment or care they have received at The College Practice. We understand that we may not always get everything right and by telling us about the problem you have encountered , we will be able to improve our services and patient experience.

Who to talk to

Most complaints can be resolved at a local level. Please speak to a member of staff if you have a complaint; all our staff are trained to handle complaints effectively. Alternatively, ask to speak to the Patient Liaison Officer.

Investigating complaints

The College Practice will investigate all complaints effectively and in conjunction with extant legislation and guidance.A complaint can be made verbally or in writing by letter. A Complaints Form is available from reception.

Time frames for complaints

The time constraint on bringing a complaint is 12 months from the occurrence giving rise to the complaint, or 12 months from the time you become aware of the matter about which you wish to complain. The Patient Liaison Officer will confirm receipt of all complaints within three business days. They will aim to have the complaint completely resolved within 40 days. The time limit can be extended in special circumstances.


The College Practice will ensure that all complaints are investigated with the utmost confidentiality and any documents are held separately from the patient’s healthcare record

Third party complaints

The College Practice allows a third party to make a complaint on behalf of a patient. The patient must provide consent for them to do so . A Third Party Patient Complaint Form is available from reception.

Final response

The College Practice will issue a final formal response to all complainants which will provide full details and the outcome of the complaint. Further information is detailed in our practice policy.

Take it further

If you feel you do not want to contact the surgery directly, then you can contact the NHS Frimley Integrated Care Board, who are hosting NHS complaints on behalf of all ICBs across the south east:

South East Complaints Hub
NHS Frimley Integrated Care Board
King Edward VII Hospital
St Leonard’s Road

Phone number: 0300 561 0290

Email address: [email protected]

Complain to the Ombudsman

If, after receiving our final decision, you remain dissatisfied you may take your complaint to the Ombudsman.

The Ombudsman is independent of the NHS and free to use. It can help resolve your complaint, and tell the NHS how to put things right if it has got them wrong.

The Ombudsman only has legal powers to investigate certain complaints. You must have received a final response from the Practice before the Ombudsman can look at your complaint and it will generally not look into your complaint if it happened more than 12 months ago, unless there are exceptional circumstances.


Parliamentary & Health Service Ombudsman
Tower 30
London SW1P 4QP

Phone: 0345 015 4033

E: email the Ombudsman 

Or you may wish to contact

NHS Complaints Advocacy Service, SEAP Hastings, Upper Ground Floor, Aquilla House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 3UY

Telephone: 0330 440 9000
Email:            [email protected]
                       [email protected]
Fax:                 01424 204687

However, before considering taking this step, we hope you would let us know what aspect of the complaint has not been dealt with satisfactorily and provide an opportunity for us to consider whether there is anything further that could be done locally to resolve matters.

Other organisations that can help you make a complaint about health services


All complaints will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Where the investigation of the complaint requires consideration of the patient’s medical records, we will inform the patient or person acting on his/her behalf if the investigation will involve disclosure of information contained in those records to a person other than the Practice or an employee of the Practice.

We keep a record of all complaints and copies of all correspondence relating to complaints, but such records will be kept separate from patients’ medical records.

Statistics and reporting

The Practice must submit to the local primary care organisation periodically/at agreed intervals details of the number of complaints received and actioned.

Give feedback or make a complaint

You can complain to a member of staff at the NHS service you went to, such as a GP surgery or hospital, or you can complain to the organisation in charge.